
To order a product transfer money on following account. Please write the product name and ordering person’s name in the remarks section of money transfer.

Vigyan Yog

Account No: 50200033830537

Customer ID: 117102804

Bank Name: HDFC Bank

Address: PN 134&135, DSP Chowk, Facing Mahabal Rd, Jalgaon, Maharashtra 425001


Courier charges are Rs.1000 extra on the product cost.

Rate list of various products

Sr. No. Product Name Cost in Rs.
1. Rigid Video Laparoscope 30,000
2. Flexible Video Laparoscope 30,000
3. Flexible Video endoscope 25,000
4. USB Retractocam 30,000
5. Video Otoscope 10,000
6. Laparoscopic endo-camera Basic Model 30,000
7. Laparoscopic endo-camera Deluxe Model 50,000
8. Rigid Video Bronchoscope with forceps 40,000
9. Rigid Video Bronchoscope 30,000
10. Rigid Video Esophagoscope 40,000
11. Rigid Video Procto-Sigmoidoscope 40,000
12. Rigid Video endoscope with instrumentation channel 30,000
13. Surgical microscopeCamera 30,000
14. Lifetron therapy device 10,000
15. Portable muscle stimulator 10,000