Vigyan yog is a company founded by Dr. Sagar Jawale as a proprietor. His biography is as follows.

Dr. Sagar A. Jawale
Pediatric and Neonatal Surgeon
Pediatric Urologist
Dr. Sagar Jawale is a pediatric surgeon turned into a scientist. He has more than 100 inventions done till date. He has 40 patents registered in Mumbai office. 25 of his inventions are for the first time in the history of medical sciences. He has developed 17 new operations and 37 new therapies in medicine which are under trial. Most of his research work is unique and reported for the first time in medical literature. His inventions are 20 to 50 times cheaper than peers, a great boon to the mankind. He has invitations from all over the world for the demonstration of his inventions. He has founded Vigyan Yog Foundation a research based no profit organization for distributing his inventions on no profit basis to doctors and medical institutions. What surprises many is his vast range of research which transcends the boundaries of pediatric surgery into almost all dimensions of medical sciences such as biomedical devises, surgery, medicine, psychology, mysticism and yoga.
His hobbies are swimming and travelling. He has travelled half the world already. He has practiced variety of systems of yoga and achieved self-realization. He has done 15 years of research in yoga and found out a new system of yoga called Vigyan Yog in which yoga and samadhi is achievable through science and technology.
Address: Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Ajay colony, plot no. 5, behind IMR college, Jalgaon-425001, Maharashtra, India
Email Address:
Phone No: (0257) 2222205
Mobile No: +919370000380
Date of Birth: 8 May 1972
Maharashtra Medical Council Speaker Accreditation MMC/MAS/05715/2017
MBBS: Seth G.S. Medical College KEM hospital, Mumbai December 1996
MS in General Surgery: LTMMG College, Sion Hospital Sion, Mumbai December 2000
DNB in General Surgery: Delhi University May 1998 in Pediatric Surgery: LTMMG College, Sion Hospital, Mumbai July 2001
Practicing Pediatric Surgeon in Jalgaon city from last 20 years in his own private hospital called Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery (JIOPS).
- Best paper award at National Pediatric Surgery Conference IAPSCON 2015 Mumbai for the paper “Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery”
- First Prize amongst 30 best paper awards at National Pediatric Surgery Conference IAPSCON 2015 Mumbai for the paper “Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery”
- Best Paper award for the paper “My Technical Innovations for Pediatric Surgery at IAPSCON 2016 held at Agra.
- Antia-Finseth Innovation award 2017 in Nagaland conference of Association of Rural Surgeons of India for the paper “My 65 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian” in November 2017.
- Siemens GAPIO innovation award in medicine 2018 for worlds first video arthroscope with 30,45,60-degree mirror attachments.
- Best paper award in ARSICON 2018 Debran for “Affordable stem cell therapy for rural India”
- GIFTCON 2019 Innovation award
- “Best Scientist in Pediatrics and neonatology” by International Society for Scientific Network (ISSN)
- Honorary Doctorate degree in pediatric surgery by International Standards Institute.
- Research excellence Award 2020 by Institute of Schoolers for autologous stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy
- Best keynote lecture award in 4Th global innovators summit webinar
- Indian Achievers award 2020-21
- Business excellence award for Outstanding contribution in biomedical engineering industry by Global Triumph Foundation
- Rastriya Chikitsa Seva Bhushan Saman 2021
- Nation choice award- 100 rising authors and educationist by Glantor X.
- Best Innovation presentation of the conference- 6Th annual conference of research section of Indian association of pediatric surgery (IAPS) held at AIIMS Raipur.
- The best research faculty award in 8th International Conference on Stem cells and Cancer (ICSCC–2023) held from 20-22 December 2023 at AIIMS Delhi
- “Surya Datta awards for excellence 2024” It is given by Surya Datta group of institutes Pune and Lokmat media.
1) Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection in Surgically Treated Congenital Urinary Anomalies: Role of Circumcision
2) Primary lymphedema of the penis: Surgical correction by preputial unfurling
Shenoy, VG (Shenoy, VG); Jawale, SA (Jawale, SA); Oak, SN (Oak, SN); Kulkarni, BK (Kulkarni, BK) Pediatric Surgery International 169-70. 2001
3) Esophageal atresia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula associated with situs inversus Shenoy, VG (Shenoy, VG); Jawale, SA (Jawale, SA); Oak, SN (Oak, SN); Kulkarni, BK (Kulkarni, BK) Pediatric Surgery International Volume: 17. Issue: 7. 538-539 2001
4) Anomalous pancreatico- biliary union and chronic pancreatitis: rare presentation with biliary peritonitis V G Shenoy, S A Jawale, S N Oak, B K Kulkarni Pediatric Surgery International Volume: 17 549–551. 2001
5) Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery, Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal Care, Volume 6 Issue 6 – 2017 Corresponding author: Sagar A Jawale, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, India, Published: June 13, 2017
6) USB Laparocam -a low-cost camera for Laparoscopy in Rural Surgery, Journal of rural surgeons of India. 2017
7) Low-cost laparoscopy for rural areas: the flexible video laparoscope
Sagar Jawale and Gnanaraj Jesudian
Tropical Doctor 0(0) 1–3! The Author(s) 2018 Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/
- Urethral pull-up operation for distal and mid-penile hypospadias: a new safe method
Sagar A. Jawale1, Gnanaraj Jesudian2 and Rajendra Nehete3
Tropical Doctor 0(0) 1–3! The Author(s) 2018 Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0049475518807315
- My 75 Inventions to Make Healthcare Affordable to Everyone
Jawale S*
Department of Pediatrics, Jawale Institute of pediatric surgery, India
Journal of Neonatal Research and Pediatrics Care, Chembio publishers. 2019
*Corresponding author: Sagar Jawale, Department of Pediatrics, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon,
- Rigid ventilating video bronchoscope with forceps for bronchoscopic foreign body removal in children
Sagar Jawale, Parthapratim Gupta, Bharti Kulkarni DOI:
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Jawale S et al.
Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surgery. 2019 Jul.
Sagar Jawale1, Gnanaraj Jesudian2, Prakash Agarwal3
1Jawale Institute of pediatric surgery, Jilha Peth, Gandhi Nagar, Jalgaon 425001, Maharashtra, India.
2Karunya Institute of Science and Technology, Coimbatore 641114, Tamil Nadu, India.
3Professor & Head of Pediatric Surgery at the Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai- 600116 and Consultant Pediatric Surgeon at The Apollo hospital, Chennai 600006, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Suture-Less Circumcision by Glutaraldehyde Albumin Glue Enhanced Laser Tissue Welding—A Comparative Study
Sagar A. Jawale, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Open Journal of Urology, 2019, 9, 107-113. ISSN Online: 2160- 5629. ISSN Print: 2160-5440
- Tongue Tie Release Operation (Frenotomy) By Methylene Blue Dye Induced Infrared Laser Cutting
Sagar A Jawale*
Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon- Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author: Sagar A Jawale, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon- Maharashtra, India.
Received: April 29, 2019; Published: June 26, 2019. DOI: 10.31080/ASPE.2019.02.0098
- Autologous Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Sagar Jawale, Vijay Bhaskar, Veeresh Nandikolmath, Shreedhar Patil
Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2020, 10, 36-64. ISSN Online: 2160-8776. ISSN Print: 2160-8741. DOI: 10.4236/ojped.2020.101004 Jan. 20, 2020 36 Open Journal of Pediatrics
15) Low-Cost ND: YAG Medical Laser as a Lithotripter and Laser Cautery Machine
By Dr. Sagar A. Jawale
Global Journal of Medical Research: F Diseases. Volume 20 Issue 3 Version 1.0 Year 2019
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal. Publisher: Global Journals. Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN: 0975-5888
16) Appendicular Mucosal Tube Implant with Dartos Wrap Operation for Hypospadias
Sagar Jawale, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Open Journal of Urology, 2020, 10, 134-144. ISSN Online: 2160-5629. ISSN Print: 2160-5440
- Ozonated air therapy for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections as a potential therapy for prevention and treatment of Covid 19 infection
Sagar Jawale
Global Journal of Medical Research: F Diseases. Volume 20 Issue 6 Version 1.0 Year 2020. Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal. Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA). Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN: 0975-5888
Sagar Jawale* Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India*Corresponding Author
Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 – 8179 | DOI: 10.36106/ijsr
| May-2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 – 8179 | DOI: 10.36106/ijsr
- Stem cell therapy for type1 diabetes with transplantation of stem cells into the Omental pouch, peritoneum, and blood, experimental study
Sagar Jawale 1
Ann Med Surg (Lond), 2022 Aug 27; 81:104468. Doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2022.104468. e Collection 2022 Sep. PMID: 36147094 PMCID: PMC9486716 DOI: 10.1016/j.amsu.2022.104468
- My innovations in pediatric surgery
Sagar Arvind Jawale, Journal of Indian association of pediatric surgery
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, Year: 2022 | Volume: 27 | Issue: 6 | Page: 784-785. Department of Pediatric Surgery, Jawale Hospital, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
- Intrapancreatic autologous stem cell therapy for type 1 diabetes – an experimental study
Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 Jul 28;85(9):4355-4371. Doi: 10.1097/MS9.0000000000000837. e Collection 2023 Sep.
Sagar Jawale 1
PMID: 37663700 PMCID: PMC10473305 DOI: 10.1097/MS9.0000000000000837
Free PMC article Sagar Jawale 1, Ann Med Surg (Lond), 2023
- “Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery” National Pediatric Surgery Conference IAPSCON 2015 Mumbai.
- “My Technical Innovations for Pediatric Surgery” at IAPSCON 2016 held at Agra.
- My 65 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian” in November 2017 at Nagaland conference of Association of Rural Surgeons of India.
- “Urethral Pull Up Operation for Distal and Mid Penile Hypospadias” presented at National pediatric conference IAPSCON 2017 held at Kolkata.
- “My 65 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian”
Presented in Maharashtra pediatric conference 2017.
- “My 55 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian”
Presented in Jalgaon IMA conference 2017
- Stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy presented in IAPSCON 2018 at Chandigarh.
- Stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy and Type 1 diabetes in Maharashtra chapter of pediatric surgery 2018
- Affordable stem cell therapy for rural India presented at ARSICON 2018 in Debran.
- My innovations in gastroenterology and laparoscopy in GIFTCON 2018 in Goa.
- My 75 inventions to make healthcare affordable to every Indian in Global conference of Surgery and Anesthesia GCSA 2019 in Dubai.
- Appendicular mucosal tube implant with Dartos wrap operation for proximal hypospadias in IAPSCON 2019 in New Delhi.
- My 75 inventions to make healthcare affordable to every Indian in AMCON 2019 in Mumbai.
- A keynote lecture of 50 minutes on the topic “My evolution as a hypospadiologist” in the European conference SURGERY VIRTUAL 2020 held on September 28, 2020.
- Keynote lecture on “Stem Cell Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes” in a UK based international webinar World Pediatrics Congress held on Nov 09-10, 2020
- Oxygen as Insufflation gas in pediatric laparoscopy. E-IAPSCON 2020
- A keynote lecture “My 101 inventions to make healthcare affordable to everyone” in a UK based international webinar at the 4th Global Innovators Summit held during November 17, 2020 at Webinar
- “Autologous stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy” at the “14th World Pediatric Congress” held during December 11, 2020 in Webinar
- A project to deal with bacterial and viral drug resistance with special reference to Covid 19, presented in a webinar 3rd Edition of Global Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia
20)“My 101 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian” a webinar presented in Dr. Vithal Rao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Medical College & Hospital, Ahmednagar Intellectual property right (IPR) Cell
- My innovations in pediatric surgery
6th Annual Conference of Research Section of IAPS (Virtual)
AIMS Raipur, 7 th Annual Conference of Research Section of IAPS
- Role of laser tissue welding in pediatric surgery
IAPSCON 2022 Goa
- The urethral pull up operation and its modification (Glans Tunnel) for distal hypospadias
SPUCON 2023 in Nagpur
- “My 101 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian”
A keynote presentation with demonstration as a chief guest in Shree Balaji medical college, Raipur
- Role of laser tissue welding in pediatric surgery
Virtual presentation in 4th Edition of Global Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia
- A project to deal with bacterial and viral drug resistance with special reference to Covid 19. 8th International Conference on Stem cells and Cancer (ICSCC–2023) held from 20-22 December 2023 at AIIMS Delhi
- Omental pouch and Intrapancreatic stem cell therapy for Type 1 diabetes. 8th International Conference on Stem cells and Cancer (ICSCC–2023) held from 20-22 December 2023 at AIIMS Delhi
Editorial Member on following international Journals
- Acta Scientific pediatrics
- Asploro Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health
- Pediatrics and Child Health Journal
- Clinical Medicine and Medical Research 2693-499X
- Journal of Nursing and Primary Care
- Medical and Research Publications
- Journal of Medicine & Biology
Academic positions:
- Member of executive council research section of IAPS from 2017-2022
- Secretary of research and innovation section of IAPS from 2022-2024
- EC member of west zone for IAPS from 2023-2025
Professional Memberships:
- Indian Medical Association
- Indian Association of pediatric Surgeons (IAPS), (Life membership no:1073). Executive council member for south zone of research section of IAPS
- Association of Rural Surgeons of India
- GAPIO-Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. Co convener of Innovation group
- Rotary Club International
- Pediatric Endo-surgeons of India (PESI)
New Therapies Invented by Dr. Sagar Jawale
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Permanent Magnet (TMS-PM) for Cerebral Palsy and variety of neurological disorders
- Lifetron therapy with Oxygen-by-Oxygen mask for diseases of Oxidative stress such as Ischemic heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, SIRS, Inflammatory diseases, etc.
- Lifetron therapy with air by Oxygen mask
- Lifetron therapy through ECG electrode over radial artery
- Lifetron water therapy
- Ozonated Air Inhalation therapy (OAIT) for variety of respiratory tract infections including Covid 19.
- Ozonated Water therapy for variety GI infections
- Intrarectal Ozone Therapy
- Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
- World’s first Intrapancreatic Stem Cell Transplant for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
- World’s first Intrarenal Stem Cell Transplant for kidney diseases
- World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Vescio-ureteral Reflux
- World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Rectal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (RUVLT) for neonatal sepsis, Viral and bacterial sepsis
- Pharyngeal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (PUVLT)for upper respiratory infections
- Vaginal Ultraviolet Therapy (VUVIT) for variety of vaginal infections
- Intravenous Ultraviolet light Therapy (IUVLT) for variety of viral and bacterial sepsis including Covid 19.
- Extracorporeal Ultraviolet Blood Illumination Therapy (ECUVBIT) for variety of viral and bacterial sepsis including Covid 19.
- Transcutaneous ultraviolet therapy for variety of bacterial and viral infections
- Transcutaneous ultraviolet therapy for cytotoxic storm of Covid 19 and other infections
- Transcutaneous infra-red therapy for auto immunity and inflammatory diseases
- BCG Vaccine Therapy for recurrent URTI and LRTI in children
- BCG Vaccine Therapy for Type 1 diabetes
- Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Postoperative paralytic ileus and constipation
- Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Postoperative paralytic ileus and constipation
- Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
- Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Auto-immunity of Type 1 Diabetes
- Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for boosting Immunity
- Infrared Light Therapy (ILT) for allergic bronchitis, dry cough, chronic cough, chronic bronchitis, smokers cough
- Nasal Infrared Light Therapy (INFILT) for diseases such as allergic rhinitis, inflammatory conditions of the nose
- Infrared Light Therapy (ILT) for diseases such as Otitis Media, inflammatory conditions of external ear and middle ear
- Rectal Infrared Laser Therapy (IRLR) for Systemic Immune Response Syndrome (SIRS)
- Hypnotic autosuggestions for treatment of various diseases.
- Oral 3% hydrogen peroxide therapy as immune booster for variety of bacterial and viral infections
- Oral 3% hydrogen peroxide therapy for alcohol and substance de-addiction
- Oral 3% hydrogen peroxide therapy for cancer
- Tumor treating fields therapy for cancer
- Electric field therapy for viral and bacterial infections
New Operation Invented by Dr. Sagar Jawale
- Ten Commandments of Hypospadias surgery- Ten Modifications of Tabularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty (TIP) for hypospadias
- Urethral Pull Up Operation for Hypospadias
- Modified Urethral Pull Up Operation for hypospadias
- Urethral Plate Mobilization Technique-New Operative technique for Hypospadias
- Appendicular Mucosal Tube Implant with Dartos Wrap Operation for Hypospadias
- Omental Pouch Stem Cell Operation for Type 1 diabetes
- Oxygen as Insufflation Gas in Laparoscopy
- Prophylactic Tension Band Suture in Colostomy
- Suture less Circumcision by Glutaraldehyde Albumin Glue Induced Laser Tissue Welding
- Methylene Blue Dye Induced Laser Tissue Cutting Technique
- Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
- World’s first Intrapancreatic Stem Cell Transplant for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Technique
- World’s first Intrarenal Stem Cell Transplant for kidney diseases
- World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Vescio-ureteral Reflux
- World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Chitosan methylene blue film induced closure of intestinal perforation
Patents register by Dr. Sagar Jawale
- Rigid Video Laparoscope
- Flexible Video Laparoscope
- Articulating Video Laparoscope
- Rigid Video Bronchoscope with Forceps
- Rigid Video Bronchoscope
- Smallest Video Camera
- Video Laryngoscope
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device
- 20-Watt Nd YAG LaserUrodynamics Machine
- Uroflometry Machine
- T DCS Device
- Life Force Meter
- Led Light Chord
- Probe for Bronchial Thermoplasty and Stretta Procedure
- Laser Tissue Welding Device
- Digital Sthethoscope
- Capsule Endoscopy
- Intranasal laser therapy
- 24 F Adult Video Cystoscope
- Dual Vision Video Laparoscope
- Rigid Video Arthroscope
- Intravaginal Video Colposcope
- Rigid Video Hysteroscope
- Rigid Video Nephroscope
- Rigid Video Neuroscope
- Non- Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy Device
- Rigid Video Esophagoscope
- Rigid Video Procto-sigmoidoscope
- USB Video Microscope
- Portable t DCS Device
- Lifetron Therapy Device- Oxygen Mask Attachment
- Lifetron Therapy Device- Transcutaneous Type
- Lifetron Water Therapy
- Catheter for Stem Cell Sting Operation
- Device for Photoactivation of Stem Cells
- Magnet for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Permanent Magnet (TMS-PM) Therapy
- Non- Invasive Vagal Stimulation Device
- Device for Rectal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (RUVLT)
- Device for Pharyngeal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (PUVLT)
- Device for Vaginal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (VUVIT)
- Device for Intravenous Ultraviolet light Therapy (IUVLT
- Device for Extracorporeal Ultraviolet Blood Illumination Therapy (ECUVBIT)
- Device for Ozonated Air Inhalation therapy (OAIT)
- Device for Rectal Ozone Therapy
- Device for Ozone instrument and OT sterilization
- Device for Infrared Light Therapy (ILT)
- Device for Nasal Infrared Light Therapy (INFILT)
- Device for Infrared Light Therapy (ILT)
- Device for Rectal Infrared Laser Therapy (IRLR)
His Inventions:
Following of his 25 inventions are for the first time in history of medicine. Flexible and rigid video laparoscopes, Flexible video laparoscope with 30, 45 and 60 degree mirror attachments, rigid ventilating video bronchoscope with forceps, Rigid ventilating video bronchoscope without forceps, adult rigid video cystoscope 24F, semi flexible thin video nephoscope, Rigid video nephoscope for PCNL, wireless laparoscopy and endoscopy device, laser tissue welding device, life force meter, Rigid video esophagoscope, Rigid video sigmoidoscope, Rigid video hysteroscope, Intravaginal video colposcope, Peritoneal laparoscopic microscope, Rigid video neuroscope, etc. These are produced at a record low cost of Rs. 5000-10,000 each.
Other inventions which are first made in India are, articulating video laparoscope, 3D laparoscopy system, Capsule endoscopy device, VR magnifying loops, hydrophobic nano silicone coating, world’s smallest video camera, video laryngoscope, laser lithotripter and laser cautery, Transcranial magnetic stimulation device(TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation device(t DCS), Intranasal lase therapy device, Machines for bronchial thermoplasty and Stretta procedure, Urodynamics and uroflowmetry device, C02 incubator, Portable and commercial O2 concentrators, Central vacuum machine, Digital Stethoscope, Pathology video microscope, Ophthalmic video microscope, Microscope for microvascular surgery, USB Spectrometer, muscle stimulator, nerve stimulator, Hemodialysis machine, Partial ECMO machine, Harmonic scalpel and ultrasonic lithotripter and led light cord,24 hour PH monitoring. He has set up stem cell laboratory and tissue culture laboratory at record low cost of Rs. 50,000. He has set up Gene therapy facility with American multinational Thermo Fischer Scientific for Crispr Cas9 Genome editing to be done in India for Rs. 50,000 instead of Rs. 7.5 crores in USA. The 8 mm rigid video laparoscope and 5 Megapixel laparoscopic cameras are commercialized for Rs. 15,000 each which is going to revolutionize laparoscopy in rural India.
His future innovations are hands Free Robotic Camera Holder, Da Vinci Laparoscopic Robot like system, Cochlear Implant, Artificial Urethral Sphincter, A Digital Radiography system, Electron Microscope, A Laser Microscope with one million times magnification, Alternatives to antibiotics and antivirals, Tissue nano Transfection(TNT), Usb Pocket Ultrasound Machine, Cardiac catheterization Monitor ,Portable MRI scanner, ESWL Machine, Gamma Camera(scintillation Camera), Positron emission Tomography, Terahertz camera Imaging System, Terahertz Tomography.